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Would Extorting Pirates Of Old Love “Cryptocurrency”?

Who’d of thunk? The WSJ’s headline read: “Cryptocurrency Has Yet to Make the World a Better Place.” Opined the newspaper: “An innovation that has failed to catch on for legal transactions proves invaluable to ransomers.”

Among those instances cited was the Colonial Pipeline attack by cyber terrorists & Tesla announcing it would no longer accept bitcoin as payment for cars because of the carbon emissions generated by the computer processing necessary to mint new coins…”The two events underline how an innovation that was supposed to displace the dollar as a medium of exchange has proved largely useless for buying legal things, yet frighteningly effective at facilitating extortion.”

Yo-ho-ho. There’s a reason why Hollywood always had the pirate biting the piece of eight used to pay for the return of another’s fair maiden…Aaaargh.

Davd Soul


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