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Would Right Winger JFK Laugh At Biden’s Socialist Economics?

JFK is, of course, rolling over in his grave laughing at Joe Biden’s campaign handlers claim that he knows how to cure the coronavirus infected economy. You can almost hear the straight-shooting capitalist president saying, “The only thing Joe and his Marxist advisers led by Bernie Sanders would do by winning the presidency is tank the economy so bad it would make the Great Depression look like a Bull Market.”

Don’t laugh as if we were watching Mr. Kennedy scorch Nixon in “The Making of a President.” Tricky Dick was an easy foil because he really was tricky. But, after four plus decades as a Swamp Creature, Mr. Biden is certifiably clueless. And, that makes him doubly dangerous in these complex times.

Now, Mr. Trump may or may not be 100% right in predicting a stock market crash should the now leftist Democratic platform featuring a cataclysmic Green New Deal win the White House & Congress in November. Nor need we bring up the anti-Biden economists predicting a return to regulatory oppression, economic stagnation, lower average wages, fewer jobs and a bigger, even more incompetent federal bureaucracy running our lives. Perhaps all that’s needed is a harkening back to the Kennedy years’ newspaper clips, when Democrats were today’s anti-socialist right wingers.

Davd Soul


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