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Would Trump-Biden Rematch Be A Love-Hate Affair?

A WSJ survey conducted by Biden & Trump pollsters suggests a 2024 rematch might be close & come down to how much voters can’t stand each the most. Mr. Trump’s “negative” rating is still a tad worse than Mr. Biden’s, but he’s winning over Independents who abandoned the GOP in 2020. Moreover, the two are now “effectively tied among Hispanics” who went heavily for Biden a year ago.

Unfortunately, the survey does not crunch the numbers in terms of the Electoral College, which trumps the popular vote regardless, as it did in 2016. Yet, the survey nearly 3 years before the next presidential election is sure to gain credibility, Fox News noted, in that the WSJ’s “new polling operation [was] led by Tony Fabrizio, the longtime Republican pollster who conducted surveys for Trump’s 2016 and 2020 campaigns, and by veteran Democratic pollster John Anzalone who conducted surveys for Biden’s 2020 campaign.”

Fabrizio may have summed it up best: “There’s no question that Trump is still a polarizing figure … [but] Biden has become equally polarizing” with each having 3 dozen whole months to clean up their images … or, make them still worse. Mr. Biden says he’s “definitely” running for re-election, but then if he didn’t say that even fewer people would pay attention to what he says now. Mr. Trump seems to be having fun “teasing” the media about his trying to regain the White House & his final decision may of course be influenced by how the best pollsters are reading the voter tea leaves after the 2022 mid-terms.

Davd Soul


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