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Would ‘Yuge’ Biden Gas Price Happen Under Trump?

Gotta love the WSJ for being a month late in noting “Unusual Leap in Gas Prices Puts $3 Gallon in Sight.” Three bucks? Try the $3.59 I see in many areas of DC’s Swamp & during my recent visit to Sweet Home Chicago. Compare that to the $2.03 per gallon I was paying in Falls Church, Va. on Biden’s inauguration day. Would this “unusual leap” have happened under a Trump presidency?

It’s doubtful. Oh, yes, the WSJ’s Joe Wallace relies on analysts who attribute the price spike to “expect(ed) crowded highways & diminished stockpiles to lift gas prices into the summer driving season.”

But, is there anyone with common sense & free from expert BS or political bipartisanship mania who believes that the Swamp's gas “stockpiles” would have been allowed to evaporate under President Trump? Or, that he would have taken his foot off the oil producers’ necks (domestic & foreign) in terms of their pricing? Jus’ askin’.

Davd Soul


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