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Xi Uses Fauci Speak 2 Reopen China

Xi uses “Fauci Speak” to mollify protesting Chinese & to justify his reluctant “tactical retreat” from ongoing Covid lockdown policy? China’s Great Covid Reopening was no brainer yet stubborn Commies also can’t admit their mistake.

As a result, suggests the WSJ’s editorial board, economic and public health uncertainty remains after “public discontent had become the greatest threat to Communist Party rule in 3 decades.” For instance, the editors note, “you can see the policy turn as its propaganda arms suddenly redefine the virus from a perilous threat to a manageable health risk … On Monday, the Xinhua news agency said the ‘most difficult period had passed’ for the pandemic, citing higher vaccinations rates and the weakening capacity of the virus to cause disease.”

Sound familiar? Dr. Anthony Fauci, the USA’s walking, talking bureaucratic expert on how to manage its own Covid pandemic, couldn’t have said it better …

Davd Soul


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