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Yawn: MSM Declares War On Sup Ct

WSJ’s Gerard Baker rightly mocked the woke MSM & progressive pols in “The Supreme Court’s [fictionalized] War on Life, the Universe & Everything” just because the majority of Justices honored the Constitution last term.

As Mr. Gerard noted: “From abortion to climate change, a wave of yellow journalism targets the men & women in black robes.” Somehow, he mused, “The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade represented a declaration of war on women,” at least, according to multiple news outlets while The Washington Post upped the stakes by wailing, “The Supreme Court declares war on modern America.” Then again, leave it to the UK’s Guardian to exceed them all in hyperbole by saying “The US Supreme Court has declared war on the Earth’s future.” As Baker concluded: “What a battlefield! Women, America, Earth, with some skirmishing at the Equal Protection Clause … You thought civil war sounded bad. This is planetary-level stuff.”

Well, let’s all take a deep breath and do a real reality check. The Dem-controlled Congress is going home to ponder its mid-term drubbing at the polls & the Supreme Court is adjourned so it won’t be around for progressives to hypocritically kick in the can, i.e., face-to-face, the crazies stomping around the Justices’ home notwithstanding. Meanwhile, AVERAGE AMERICANS will be making up their own minds on who & what to vote for, many based on kitchen table issues THEY are left to deal with, including run-away inflation, pump prices double those under Trump, tanking stock market & 401(k) accounts, criminals getting out on lesser bail than some innocents, murder & violent crime rates reaching historic levels, yet another endless war overseas, the joys of transgender sex being taught to first graders …

Davd Soul


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