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Youngkin & Pastor Take Real Step vs Gap In Equity Edu

Chicago’s protesting Rooftop Pastor told Fox “equity” initiatives widen the racial achievement gap even more as Virginia’s new Governor Youngkin took one small step for minorities in narrowing it by nixing a plan to eliminate advance math courses before 11th grade.

The Good Pastor Corey Brooks cited as a for instance a progressive suburban Evanston school district that spent $100K on how to address its alarming white-black education gap as an example of equity advocates gone wild. The report, he noted, suggested the “solution” was to be found somewhere in a further review of “the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, Illinois sundown towns & the forced sterilization of Puerto Rican women.” The school district also hired a diversity, equity, inclusion staff person, which is typical these days. Then, “they gave money to outside racial justice organizations to talk about things like white privilege.” Any results in actually resolving the town’s education gap? Zip.

As Pastor Brooks concluded: “I say it’s all hogwash [in Evanston & other school systems like it]. It’s insanity. What’s even worse is that they’re setting up black kids to fail even more and that’s the real crime … that needs to be talked about. What will close the [education] gap is simple: A true & honest & vigorous education.” Well, Pastor, at least, Virginia’s Gov just took one small step in that direction…

Davd Soul


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