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YUGE. Supremes Uphold Az’s Right To Fight Voter Fraud

There’s one word for it: YUGE. That is, the U.S. Supreme Court’s upholding of Arizona’s voter fraud protections by a 6-3 majority margin. Finally, Chief Justice Roberts sided with the “Conservative 5” in saying ballot harvesting & provisional ballots outside one’s home precinct CAN be restricted without violating the federal Voting Rights Act; nor are state officials constitutionally required to go to extraordinary lengths to shepherd every potential voter to their polling place as the DNC had demanded; and, yes, it’s ok to make it a felony for a political hack to submit another person’s ballot illegally.

In so holding, the majority overturned the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the left-leaning coastal most overturned federal appeals court in the nation. The majority found no requirement too “burdensome”, e.g., ”having to identify one’s own polling place & then travel there to vote,” wrote Justice Alito for the majority. Nor did the Dems convince the majority with any records or statistics by showing anything untoward was going on in Arizona; even those “individual voters called by the plaintiffs had [not] claimed that the [state’s] ballot collection restriction ‘would make it significantly more difficult to vote.’”

Justice Kagan’s dissent tore into Justice Alito for enabling the state legislature to set up more “discrimination in voting”, despite federal law banning it if racially motivated. Replied Justice Alito: “Under our form of government, legislators have a duty to exercise their judgment and to represent their constituents. It is insulting to suggest they are mere dupes or tools…[of racists, but]…the dissent is correct that the Voting Rights Act exemplifies our country’s commitment to democracy [while] there is nothing democratic about the dissent’s attempt to bring about a wholesale transfer of the authority to set voting rules from the States to the federal courts.” Ouch.

Davd Soul


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